Technical Rider:
- 3x Pioneer CD-players all digital linked for use USB-stick
- 1x Pioneer DJM-Nexus 900/2000 mixer
- Some extra space to put CD-maps (50x50cm) with little
- Booth and desk should be shock-free & ca 100cm high
- 2 x powerful monitor loudspeakers, to be operated through
the mixing desk. Sometimes these can also be the speakers
for the event, if it's a small venue/club.
- 2x monitors should – if applicable – be placed on standards,
ear height
- Sometimes monitors on the ground can be better
- All equipment should be levelled & technally checked before
DJ set/showtime
Please note that it is not allowed to record the DJ set without explicit consent
Hospitality rider:
-Some non sparkling water & some towels
-A bottle of cold Grasovska or Bison wodka & bucket with ice
-If DJ set is around dinner time then some sandwiches and/or
(local) food
-If one of these requirements cannot be met please
contact management Mac Di Marco